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Jasrah Javed

Jasrah Javed


Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Research


Master’s Degree in Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences


  • Presented a research paper at the United Nations Pan Asia Summit.

  • Was the primary clinical expert in creating posture analysis software.


Jasrah holds a master’s degree in musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy. She is a passionate writer and researcher determined to spread healthcare awareness through her writings and research. She is also a tele-physiotherapy expert who believes in a holistic approach to pain management.

About Upstep's Editorial Process

At Upstep, our team of expert writers delivers articles to help you treat foot conditions and maintain proper foot health. Our team of podiatrists, physiotherapists, and experienced editors fact-check content to ensure relevance and accuracy. We only source content from reputable sites and academic research institutions and, where appropriate, cite it within our articles. Our content is rigorously reviewed before publication and upon considerable updates.

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