What causes pain in the cuneiform bone?
Asked 3 years ago
I started feeling a pain in the inside of my right foot, roughly where the arch is. I googled it, and it seems to be the cuneiform bone giving me problems. Does anyone know what can cause pain in these bones and how to treat it?
Lemuel Duran
Monday, October 11, 2021
The most common cause of this is a cuboid syndrome which results from ankle sprains or injuries due to twisting your ankle, misstepping, or engaging in other activities that put a lot of strain on your ankle bones and ligaments. Isolated cases of cuneiform injury are due to a direct blow to the midfoot or an axial or rotational force applied to the midfoot. However, the hidden root cause is usually gait and foot misalignment. I remember when my grandma had this, her podiatrist recommended orthotics to align, support, and correct foot biomechanics and deal with the problem for good
Nelson Rubio
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Pain in the cuneiform bone is often a result of pain in the media cuneiform. The medial cuneiform is the largest of the cuneiform bone and the most easily injured because of its size and position. Nevertheless, cuneiform pain often occurs because of stress during continuous activity and weight-bearing. Treatment includes exercise, manipulation, staking, orthotics, etc
Alani Morris
Friday, January 19, 2024
Cuneiform bone pain can result from stress fractures, ligament sprains, tendonitis, arthritis, or trauma. These three wedge-shaped bones in the midfoot play a vital role in foot arch support. Treatments for the condition include rest, ice, and medication to manage foot pain and promote healing.
I also suggest custom orthotics like Upstep insoles that offer extra support. Proper footwear and early medical attention can alleviate cuneiform bone pain. If your symptoms persist, consult a podiatrist for accurate diagnosis and effective management.
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