Why are my toes burning?
Asked 3 years ago
I've been feeling this burning sensation in my toes and I'm not sure what it is. It is really bothersome and I'd like to get rid of it. Does anyone know what it could mean?

Upstep Team
Monday, October 11, 2021
You can experience a burning sensation in your toes for a variety of reasons, this is often referred to as Grierson-Gopalan or burning feet syndrome. Determining the cause will indicate how best to manage the condition thereafter.
- Neuropathy or nerve damage could be the cause of your burning feet. It is often caused by uncontrolled sugar levels associated with diabetes.
- Morton's neuroma is another common cause and is usually seen in the second or third toe region. It may feel as if you are walking with a pebble in your shoe and is often aggravated by activity.
- Gout or rheumatoid arthritis can also be the reason for your burning toes.
Tight shoes that compress toe nerves can also cause a burning sensation or numbness. Finding shoes with adequate space for the forefoot will prevent symptoms from arising.
Orthotics may provide relief and support to your feet, redistributing the weight evenly and limiting areas of high pressure applied to an area of the foot when standing or walking. You can explore our custom orthotics that can alleviate burning feet.
Please note that the above does not serve as medical advice; if you are experiencing a burning sensation in your toes, consult a qualified medical professional.
Brady Woodward
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Toe burning sensation can be the result of nerve or skin damage in the toe and surrounding tissues. Medics call it neuropathy. Burning toes may also be a sign of gout. However, burning pain iis more likely caused by misfiring nerve due to nerve damage. I'll advice for sugar and uric acid tests to rule out diabetes or kidney disease that are common causes of peripheral neuropathy and gout.
Shawn Reynolds
Saturday, October 16, 2021
The burning sensation you feel on your toes may signify nerve damage. Your feet may feel hot and tingle with pain. Burning feet syndrome has several causes, including diabetes, infection, vitamin deficiency, alcoholism, CRPS, etc. Let your doctor advise you on the best line of treatment if you notice these symptoms.
Adonis Wiley
Friday, January 19, 2024
If your toes are burning, it could be due to various reasons, like nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy) from conditions such as diabetes, circulation problems (like peripheral artery disease), inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis or gout), infections (like athlete's foot), or even footwear-related issues.
Orthotics can relieve burning feet and foot pain by providing extra support and easing pressure on sensitive areas. I own a customized pair, and they've been helping improve my foot function and reduce that feeling of discomfort.
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