Can orthotics cause bunion pain?
Asked 3 years ago
Hi, I got orthotics for extra foot support. However, I can feel the bunions that I have starting to flare up. Is it possible that the orthotics are causing the bunions to become worse?
Abel Austin
Tuesday, December 07, 2021
Orthotics can cause your bunion pain to flare up if it's not custom-fitted. Additionally, you may develop pain while your body adapts to the changing body position due to the orthotics. Besides this, orthotics can help reduce pain due to bunions and restore foot function.
Blake Rodgers
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Yes, it is very well possible that the orthotics you've acquired may be causing your bunion flare-up and the feeling of it becoming worse. The orthotics you have may be applying pressure to the inflammed joint of the bunion. Ensuring the orthotics you have are specifically tailored to managing bunions is the first step, and custom orthotics are usually the best way to manage pain from this condition as everyone's foot is different.
The right orthotic for you will support the joint of the big toe and aid in correcting the movement of the joint when weight is transferred over it while walking. The right orthotics will also prevent the bunion from becoming worse in the future.
Upstep can assist you with custom orthotics to suit your feet in an effort to reduce the pain in your feet.
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