Will orthotics relieve pain on the outer side of my foot?
Asked 3 years ago
I don't have very pronounced arches in my feet, in fact, I'll go as far as to say that I am flat-footed. I think this has been the leading cause of the pain on the outer side of my foot. Can orthotics help with relieving this pain?
Hosea Machio
Saturday, October 09, 2021
Because the discomfort was so severe, orthotics were the only thing that kept me on my feet. I had to keep off my feet for a few days while I broke them in little by little. I’m hoping you’re going through a podiatrist since that’s the optimal way. Have any of those metatarsal pads worked for you? The Dr. Scholls ones are what I’m now using. My feet couldn’t handle the Dr. Fredricks. I could go on and on about everything I’m attempting. Tonight I’ll be doing my Upstep impressions. I’m a big fan of Flat-foot orthotics because they relieve pain, balance your body, and align your spine, lowering your chance of developing problems in your ankles, knees, back, and hips.
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