How long does it take for posterior tibial tendonitis to heal?
Asked 3 years ago
Hi, I have been experiencing extreme pain and swelling around my right ankle. I couldn't walk for very long without it flaring up. I went to the doctor, and it was diagnosed as posterior tibial tendonitis. He gave me some anti-inflammatories, a few exercises that I need to do, and suggested that I look at orthotics. I want this to be over and done with already. So, I was wondering, what's the average recovery time for these injuries?
Andre Pace
Wednesday, December 08, 2021
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a chronic ailment that worsens over time. Early and intensive conservative treatment of posterior tibial tendon insufficiency can prevent subsequent adult acquired flat foot deformity. It's proactive condition.
It takes 6-8 weeks for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction to resolve, and early activity on a regenerating tendon might cause a setback in recovery. However as with any tendon injury, recovering from can take longer- up to months depending on the severity of the injury subsequent treatment. Noncompliance can prolong the time it takes for patients to heal and can be extremely frustrating. That said, get your orthotic on and get moving if you can!
Emanuel Rojas
Monday, September 05, 2022
There's a lot involved when it comes to posterior tibial tendonitis. Recovery depends on the severity of the injury, the promptness of intervention, and compliance with the prescribed treatment regimen. If you adhere to everything your healthcare provider prescribes, you should begin to notice gradual improvements in no time. A complete recovery will follow along the line.
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