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What exactly is HyProCure surgery?

Asked 3 years ago

Could someone explain to me what a HyProCure surgery is and how exactly it works?

Rylan Hodge

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The HyProCure is a titanium stent, the size, and shape of a small screw, that is planted through the surgical procedure under local sedation, into natural space between heel and ankle bones.

How does it work?

Once it's planted between heel and ankle, the device stabilizes and realigns the posterior portion of the foot, moving your foot, ankle, hips, and knee to bring back to proper alignment. Your weight will be rebalanced and the device will decrease pressure on sensitive joints, it will also improve range of motion. You will feel and see your arch return to a more normal shape

~Rabinder Kumar, PT

Janik Sundstrom

Janik Sundstrom

Monday, July 04, 2022

HyProCure is a minimally invasive surgery aimed at creating/restoring biomechanics alignment between the heel bone (calcaneus) and the navicular bone of the foot. A titanium stent is inserted between the two bones in an effort to stabilize the ankle and improve mobility in the ankle. The device can have great overall effects on the shape of the foot, by creating an arch with normal alignment of the bones in the foot, as well as improving the general mobility of the person receiving the surgery, and stent. Biomechanics alignment can be achieved through the created stability in the ankle, allowing the rest of the body to move comfortably over a stable joint. 

The surgery generally takes around 20-30min to perform with a small incision being made on the outside of the foot. This form of management is effective and shows a permanent correction in 95% of patients that receive the surgery. This surgery can be used in both adults and children to improve ankle stability, should it be required. 

A podiatrist can guide you through this process and help you make the decision on whether this surgery will benefit you in the long term. The podiatrist can also answer any further questions you may have about this treatment option. 

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