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Should you wear arch supports all the time with flat feet?

Asked 3 years ago

I've got flat feet and recently bought myself some OTC orthotics with arch supports. But, I'm not sure if I should be wearing them all the time?

Hosea Machio

Monday, January 17, 2022

When your doctor first suggests orthotics, it’s natural to assume they’ll become a permanent part of your wardrobe. However, in many cases, you can wear them less frequently or only during certain activities. In some cases, you may even be able to discontinue wearing them entirely.

After all, orthotics are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. They also provide varying levels of assistance for various types of activities. Although some are designed to be worn 24 hours a day, others may require you to wear them only at certain times of the day. Your chronic symptoms and ongoing progress may also have an impact on your orthotic requirements.

If you have severe issues that prevent you from doing everyday activities, such as a flat foot, you may need to wear orthotics on a long-term basis. In many circumstances, you'll wear orthotics frequently over time until you heal or when doing specific activities.

There has been a recent rising interest in the orthotics vs barefoot debate. Orthotics have been likened to plaster cast that leads to reduced musculature, bulk, and flexibility. However, this is not true. Recent evidence suggests that in fact, orthotics increase musculature strength. Moreover, If you have significant difficulties that restrict you from conducting everyday activities, as mentioned- flat foot- you may need to wear orthotics for a long time. In such instances, you may be required to wear your orthotics even at home.

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