Are compression socks good for shin splints?
Asked 3 years ago
If I wear compression socks when I go for runs, would I be able to minimize my chances of getting shin splints? Are they any good?
Gilberto Walters
Tuesday, November 02, 2021
Compression socks can help you minimize the chances of getting shin splints. The elastic fiber provides gentle support for the lower limb. However, adjustable straps over the muscle and tendon decreases pressure on the shin.
Compression socks are really good. Just compressing your shins and calves, increases oxygen level and blood flow to the most vulnerable areas to the shin splints. The circulation helps improve muscular endurance, muscle efficiency, and provides pain relief.
Rabinder Kumar, PT
Babafemi Adebajo
Friday, February 11, 2022
Absolutely. Compression sleeves reduce your chances of developing shin splints. These stockings reduce inflammation and promote healing by increasing blood flow to the leg. Consequently, they also provide pain relief and reduce fatigue. Consider using compression sleeves for running if you don't have delicate skin or vascular compromise.
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