What are the best arch supports for fallen arches?
Asked 3 years ago
I've been diagnosed with fallen arches, and I'm looking for the best supports and ways to improve them. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Hosea Machio
Monday, January 17, 2022
Depends on whether your flat feet are the flexible are the rigid type. When a person with a flexible flatfoot sits or stands on tiptoes, their arches are normal, but when they stand, they collapse. For the rigid flat-footed- arch of the foot stays flattened wherever the location of the foot.
I recommend custom semi-rigid shoe inserts that support the arch of your foot and improve biomechanics whether standing, walking, or running. Such fitting orthotics lower the likelihood of issues developing in other joints, such as your ankles, knees, hips, and lumbar spine, by providing cushioning and some shock absorption.
Adding firm arch support insoles to your shoes can help with the gait biomechanics and alignment concerns thus correcting flat foot issues. To improve alignment and properly support your feet, I recommend Upstep insoles that seem to have more firm and flexible support. However, not all flat foot victims can use the firm type orthotics. Some of us have flat feet with wobbly ankles that impact the associated tissues differently. But no need to worry. Upstep, has specialists that make the process of selection hustle-free. As I have said before, if my overly critical granny likes it, then its probably very high quality. Give Upstep a shot; you will be well ASAP!
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