Am I allowed to wear Crocs if I have plantar fasciitis?
Asked 3 years ago
I love my Crocs and I wear them every single day. I don't want to stop wearing them, but I recently developed plantar fasciitis and don't want to aggravate it. Can I wear my Crocs with plantar fasciitis?
Michael Patrick
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Crocs were designed for mine and field workers who spent long periods of time on their feet and suffered from foot pain. Their design aims to support the arch of the foot, provide adequate cushioning, and keep the feet aligned. Many doctors recommend them to their patients who suffer from plantar foot pain because they are comfortable and supportive. Clogs and Crocs can make long hours on your feet more tolerable if you have plantar fasciitis–as long as they have the right custom arch/heel support and cushioning that fits the condition.
Jeremy Spencer
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
With plantar fasciitis, you need good arch support and something to take the strain off your feet. Most crocs provide adequate support and cushioning to ease the pressure off the feet. What is lacking is heel support, and since that is not essential to managing plantar fasciitis, you may keep wearing your crocs, although with care.
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